The Challenge
Beginning with only 4 wire frames I was tasked with creating the entire look and feel of the the application. This included color pallete, logo, and User Interface.
The Designs
Starting with the given wireframe above the design evolved and grew to the screens below. I took a series of colorful graphics and having them grow into this fun, calm, and playful set of screens. The challenge with meditation apps is the stigma of meditation as either being “hokey” or not believing the benefits. This very simple set of color displays makes it clear that Centered isn’t taking itself too seriously, rather presenting the idea of meditation as a very accessible activity.
The Logo
The Logo Screen follows the idea of coming to Centered being a little scattered and then finding a wholeness through the practice of Mindfulness and Meditation.
The Micro
Fun details help make the application more accessible to Users who may feel anxious and unsure about the effectiveness of the practice of Meditation. By having this playfulness it builds trust and curiosity within the user.
My first foray into the world of Animation was a whirlwind of activity. At first there was the steep learning curve of a new software in AfterEffects with keyframes and easing. Once I overcame this hurdle it became just another design problem. Sketch. Ideation. Test. Review. Taking a giant step out of my comfort zone and moving in the direction of movement was eye opening for my design. Throughout my UI Design work I have always had ideas on how the applications would transition and move, but this project showed me just how I could do more than imagine these transitions or having to settle for the rough prototypes built into XD. Animation allowed me to see and show you how this application feels while in use.